January 22, 2012
More Retreat.....
Look at Mr Ziggy! What confidence he has in me -- all perched up on my light holding the seam ripper and scissors!!!!
Joyce is a fun person who retreats with us. Look at that precious chicken pin cushion. I love me some chickens/roosters (but not the real ones -- LOL)
This is a precious baby quilt that Debbie was putting together. Gotta love that sashing!
And here is crazy Bobbie! She is watching Brenda show her latest wallhanging.
Urggg....Mr. Ziggy hit the dump cake and has passed out from eating so much!
Last year at retreat, we had a 'cutting bee' and exchanged different sizes of strips of Civil War fabrics. This is the top Kathleen put together -- Jacob's Ladder.
Isn't this the cutest thing??? The skirt on the girl is 3-D...you can lift it up! This is to be the center of a quilt for Joyce's granddaughter.
January 20, 2012
Retreat Fun with Mr. Ziggy
Last weekend, Mr. Ziggy and I went on a retreat with 12 other ladies. Yep, Mr. Ziggy was the only guy who was there, but he LOVED all the attention. The following picture is the view from the sewing room -- talk about a bit of Heaven on Earth.
The following picture is of a double wedding ring top that one of the ladies finished while at retreat -- bee-u-te-ful!
This was a quilt shown by one of the ladies. It was pieced in 1931 by her grandmother and finally finished just a few years ago. It was an awesome quilt.
This is a rug -- YES, I said a rug. Debbie (shown) made it for her bathroom. It was beautiful -- made from batiks. It is the 'quilt as you go method'.
And, finally, Mr. Ziggy! He was enjoying his view from being perched upon the rulers.
Ya'll stay tuned for more pictures.........................
January 18, 2012
Technical Woes!

I have a sneaky feeling, it could be a 'short' between the chair and the computer!!! LOL!!!! SEW, to get to the moral of this story.....STAY TUNED! I really do have pics to share!!!!!
January 13, 2012
Mr. Ziggy Goes on a Retreat
Mr. Ziggy and I are going to a quilt retreat this weekend....in just a few hours......It is the 13th year this group of ladies have met to enjoy a weekend of sewing/quilting/laughing/eating and laughing till the tears run down our legs!!!!!
Here is Mr. Ziggy clinging to the iron to make sure that he gets put into the car!!! Mr. Ziggy had never been on a retreat before. I hope he will be good but I'm not betting too much on that...hehee!
Stay tuned for pictures and ya'll all be Blessed this Weekend.
January 8, 2012
Mr. Ziggy!
Introducing my new quilting studio mascot, "Mr. Ziggy"! (Thank you Mary for the name suggestion -- I loved it!)
January 7, 2012
A Friend Without a Name
A wonderful Good Saturday Morning to all of you in Blogland! I would like to introduce you to......????? This sweet lil Monkey doesn't have a name! Actually, I have several in mind but couldn't decide which one. SEW, I decided to let you help me name him/her!
My friend Pat over at "A Little of This and A Little of Pat" recently introduced us to Spencer, her hot little monkey. What a wonderful idea! It made me think of the little elf that all the parents were doing a Christmas and he would show up end the weirdest places.
On Friday, while at a local shop purchasing a baby gift, I looked over and saw this adorable display of monkeys. It reminded me of my precious granddaughter, Camryn, because she loves sock monkeys and collects them. SEW, I thought "self, you need a mascot in your studio". But first, I emailed Pat and got her permission to be a COPYCAT! YEP, I just a copycat, but hey Pat was okay with it.
Sew, if you have any ideas for names, please submit them. Like I said earlier, I have a few in mind, but just not sure. I can't wait to see what you come up with! My 'gut' is telling me this lil Monkey may become famous......hehehehehe
January 4, 2012
It's a Harley Thang
I don't think I have ever shown the Harley-Davidson T-Shirt quilt that I was commissioned to make. The pictures are not that great -- sorry! These t-shirts are from all over the U.S.A. I began this quilt back in the first part of 2011; however, it didn't get finished until just a couple o months ago.
I have been commissioned by the same person to make another t-shirt quilt with Harley shirts collected outside of the U.S.A. Stay tuned for pictures!

When I am making a quilt for someone (whether I know them or not), I am in constant thought and prayer for the recipient -- just a little something I like to do and it is free!!! I also include a personalized label. This particular label has a quote made by the quilt's recipient. He didn't know it was going to be on there....hehehehe....He and my son ride together and my son shared this with me when I was asking for suggestions for the label.
I have been commissioned by the same person to make another t-shirt quilt with Harley shirts collected outside of the U.S.A. Stay tuned for pictures!

When I am making a quilt for someone (whether I know them or not), I am in constant thought and prayer for the recipient -- just a little something I like to do and it is free!!! I also include a personalized label. This particular label has a quote made by the quilt's recipient. He didn't know it was going to be on there....hehehehe....He and my son ride together and my son shared this with me when I was asking for suggestions for the label.
January 3, 2012
Promises and Borders
If you enjoy handstitchng, you MUST go check out Jenny of Elefantz's newest free BOM for 2012.
It is wonderful! Scriptures and beautiful borders in a 10-month program. I hope you will join in all the fun!!

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