April 29, 2007

Fun at Mammy & Poppy's House

We babysit the three grandchildren Saturday afternoon and night until around 4 pm on Sunday. We had a great time! We ate hotdogs, chips 'n dips, playing and watching movies. This is a picture of them in their PJ's eating popcorn while watching "Night at the Museum". We watched it 2 times!!! Oh my gosh, they could tell you every word of it. Calam is to the left (sleeping in Poppy's T-shirt), Camryn is in the middle and Canon is on the right. They bring such joy to our lives! Being a grandparent is GRAND!


Rhonda said...

What cute grands you have, Kathy!

swooze said...

Adorable! Have so many treasured memories of time spent with my grandparents!