We babysit the three grandchildren Saturday afternoon and night until around 4 pm on Sunday. We had a great time! We ate hotdogs, chips 'n dips, playing and watching movies. This is a picture of them in their PJ's eating popcorn while watching "Night at the Museum". We watched it 2 times!!! Oh my gosh, they could tell you every word of it. Calam is to the left (sleeping in Poppy's T-shirt), Camryn is in the middle and Canon is on the right. They bring such joy to our lives! Being a grandparent is GRAND!
April 29, 2007
April 28, 2007
It's Been a While
It's been a while since I have posted -- almost a week! I've come to the computer to post and my mind would just be blank -- no comments from the Wacky Pac Section -- Hahaha!
I went to the oncologist for my six month check-up. That always stresses me even tho it has been 3-1/2 years since my diagnosis! Everything is fine! YEA! I just keep going every 6 mos for bloodwork until I reach the 5 year anniversary and then I go annually.
I finished the round robin that I was working on. It is really fun being in the RR, even tho it can be stressful trying to decide what to add. It makes me stretch and think outside the box.
I am the Survivor Chairperson for our local Relay for Life so that has been keeping me busy as well. Our event will be held May 18-19 so there are lots of last minute things to get done.
I now have to put the borders on my son's firefighter quilt. This quilt has to finished -- quilted, bound, etc. by May 19th! I'm sure I'll get it done. I'm good under pressure -- why, if it wasn't for the last minute, I'd get nothing done!
I better go back to the sewing machine and get some sewing done this morning. Our three grandchildren are coming to spend the night tonight so it will be very WILD at this place this evening! But that's okay because we will have lots of fun!
I went to the oncologist for my six month check-up. That always stresses me even tho it has been 3-1/2 years since my diagnosis! Everything is fine! YEA! I just keep going every 6 mos for bloodwork until I reach the 5 year anniversary and then I go annually.
I finished the round robin that I was working on. It is really fun being in the RR, even tho it can be stressful trying to decide what to add. It makes me stretch and think outside the box.
I am the Survivor Chairperson for our local Relay for Life so that has been keeping me busy as well. Our event will be held May 18-19 so there are lots of last minute things to get done.
I now have to put the borders on my son's firefighter quilt. This quilt has to finished -- quilted, bound, etc. by May 19th! I'm sure I'll get it done. I'm good under pressure -- why, if it wasn't for the last minute, I'd get nothing done!
I better go back to the sewing machine and get some sewing done this morning. Our three grandchildren are coming to spend the night tonight so it will be very WILD at this place this evening! But that's okay because we will have lots of fun!
April 23, 2007
Sew, I Did some Sewing!
This past weekend was a good weekend for Sewing!!! My husband was on a fishing trip and I got a lot done. I made a couple of blocks for a comfort quilt, made some more Civil War blocks to go with those I received in the Wacky Swap, and I am almost finished with adding my round to a round robin. I wish I could post a picture of the round robin but I'm afraid the owner will see it! I only have to add two more "stop" borders and it will be done. I would have finished that but my husband came home.
I also have the fireman quilt top completed except for the borders. I'll be posting pictures of it in the next day or so.
I also have the fireman quilt top completed except for the borders. I'll be posting pictures of it in the next day or so.
April 18, 2007
Sisterhood of Quilting
Today I was thinking about all of my quilting sisters. They come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Each one is special and unique. One loves applique, one loves really bright colors, one loves darker neutral colors, one likes speedpiecing, one likes to try new methods, one likes to find shortcuts in piecing, one loves to piece little blocks, one likes big blocks -- how different yet the same we are!
Quilting friends are sew special. Quilters are a special 'sisterhood'. A quilting sister understands the need for just 30 minutes of sewing time. They understand the need to 'touch that fabric' or to look thru that quilting magzine 'just one more time' (when you've already read it from cover to cover). Whether you prick your finger while doing handwork or (God forbid) cut yourself with a rotary cutter, they are always there to comfort you. Quiling sisters share our accomplishments, our joys, our sorrows, our laughter and our tears.
Over the years of quilting, I have developed so many special friendships -- thru guilds, thru quilting retreats, and thru the internet. I am so blessed! My wish for all of my quilting sisters and those quilters that I've yet to meet -- take time to think about what is important in life; take time to pray -- it's the greatest power available to us; take time to sew, even if it is just a few minutes; take time to laugh as laughter is the music of the soul and when laughing we can feel the rhythm of our on beating hearts!
Thank you Quilting Sisterhood!
Quilting friends are sew special. Quilters are a special 'sisterhood'. A quilting sister understands the need for just 30 minutes of sewing time. They understand the need to 'touch that fabric' or to look thru that quilting magzine 'just one more time' (when you've already read it from cover to cover). Whether you prick your finger while doing handwork or (God forbid) cut yourself with a rotary cutter, they are always there to comfort you. Quiling sisters share our accomplishments, our joys, our sorrows, our laughter and our tears.
Over the years of quilting, I have developed so many special friendships -- thru guilds, thru quilting retreats, and thru the internet. I am so blessed! My wish for all of my quilting sisters and those quilters that I've yet to meet -- take time to think about what is important in life; take time to pray -- it's the greatest power available to us; take time to sew, even if it is just a few minutes; take time to laugh as laughter is the music of the soul and when laughing we can feel the rhythm of our on beating hearts!
Thank you Quilting Sisterhood!
April 15, 2007
Retreat Winner!
Here I am at the Quilting Retreat. We made two different blocks for two block lotteries -- a floating churn dash and a spinning star blocks. I made two of each blocks so my name was entered twice in each drawing. Guess what????? I won the churn dash blocks -- 20 of them!!! I couldn't believe it. I think that I will make some more blocks to go with these and put them together for a table topper.
We've been having a great time! We have laughed so much we "nearly" peed our pants! Imagine that! And the food, oh my gosh, it was really good -- I know I must have gained!!!! Oh well.
It is late and I'm still up working on the firefighter quilt for my oldest son. Ya know it is one of my goals for April. I have to get it finished by mid-May for his graduation. I'll be posting pictures so stay tuned..........
April 11, 2007
No Fabric Received!!!!!
The fabric I ordered still has not come!!!! I needed it to finish some blocks for a swap that will be traded this upcoming weekend at a retreat. OH WELL! I have enough sets for everyone except for me and one other person. My friend, Kathleen, will just have to wait on the fabric to come! LOL! She is already expecting it so it will be okay -- she's already aware hers may be late.
I did get some sewing done yesterday and today, so I'm sticking to my 30 min. each day! I've been getting stuff together for the retreat this weekend. I'll have my laptop with me so I may do a "live broadcast" from their on my blog! LOL! Boy do I sound like I know what I'm doing -- NOT!
I did get some sewing done yesterday and today, so I'm sticking to my 30 min. each day! I've been getting stuff together for the retreat this weekend. I'll have my laptop with me so I may do a "live broadcast" from their on my blog! LOL! Boy do I sound like I know what I'm doing -- NOT!
April 10, 2007
Stashbuster Question of the Week
How did you come to start quilting? Was it passed down in the family? What was your first project and is it finished? Where does it live now?
My grandmother and mother were a quilters, but even though I was sewing since I was about 12 years old, quiting never really 'grabbed me' until after I was married and had my 2 children. I watched my Mama, but I took classes at a LQS in 1983. It was a great class where we learned about color, placement, different scales of prints, etc. I learned to do everything by hand -- piecing and quilting. Then I discovered the rotary cutter and mat!!! wooo hooooo!
The first projects I made were a tote bag made from our first quilt blocks and a wall hanging. I still have the tote bag, but, I do not know what happened to the wallhanging! Isn't that sad????
My grandmother and mother were a quilters, but even though I was sewing since I was about 12 years old, quiting never really 'grabbed me' until after I was married and had my 2 children. I watched my Mama, but I took classes at a LQS in 1983. It was a great class where we learned about color, placement, different scales of prints, etc. I learned to do everything by hand -- piecing and quilting. Then I discovered the rotary cutter and mat!!! wooo hooooo!
The first projects I made were a tote bag made from our first quilt blocks and a wall hanging. I still have the tote bag, but, I do not know what happened to the wallhanging! Isn't that sad????
April 7, 2007
Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, April 8th, one of my favorite Holidays. This particular Sunday is also very special to me as well because it is my Daddy's Birthday. He would have been 84 years old!
My Daddy died on December 3, 1995, after a very long and hard life dealing with much adversity and physical handicaps and pain in his life. When I was just a tot, he owned a 'service station'. You know the kind that did it all -- put gas in your car, cleaned your windshield and serviced your car! Daddy was doing that -- servicing a car -- by having it up on the rack and doing some greasing. The rack gave way and the car fell on my Daddy, crushing every vertabrae in his back. He spent many, many months in the hospital and went thru many, many surgeries, even more surgeries many years later. The doctors told him he would never walk again. He told them he would! He said he would not go home to his children if he couldn't walk. By the Grace of God and his pure determination, he did learn to walk again with the aid of braces on both legs and canes. He learned to walk by walking behind a tiller down our street. My mother would drive behind him in the car to make sure he would be okay. Daddy supported our family after the accident by being a "Paper Man". He delivered the Houston Post -- got up at 2-3 a.m., drove down to Houston to pick up the papers and my oldest brother would roll them for him and Daddy delivered them all over Humble, Porter, New Caney, etc. throwing them out the window on the porches and yards of 100's of homes. Sometimes he would let me and a friend go with him, but only if we were awake during the night when he left. Sometimes we stayed awake, but more often than not, we were asleep and didn't get to go.
After this job ended, Daddy opened up Shotwell's TV Sales & Service. Ya see, way back then, you could have your TV serviced in your home. Daddy was self-employed until he retired. This picture is one of my favorites. It was taken in May 1968 when I was 16 years old. He is standing in front of his van which was bright turquoise -- yes, I said turquoise!!!! It had Shotwell TV painted on it and that great big ole brightly colored peacock you see on TV sometimes. Why, it was painted so loud, you could 'hear' it coming down the road. Kids today would probably be embarrassed for ther Daddy to drive something like this, but I never was!
My Daddy lived in constant pain every minute of his life, but he never complained. He could have drawn disability and not worked, but he was too prideful. He always took care of our family and we always had food on the table and clothes on our backs. He would give his last dime away or the shirt off his back if he felt someone needed it more than him. He loved his grandchildren! He loved to play jokes on people and he loved to talk! My Mama always told him "when you die, I will have to pay extra to have them kill your mouth".
The last few years of Daddy's life, he was sick and his mind was not real good -- he suffered from Dementia in addition to all his physical disabilities. I sure do miss him, but I know that he is in Heaven walking or running around with no braces, no canes, and absolutely no pain. How happy he must be!!!! I know that I will see him again.
When I was diagnosed with cancer, my Daddy was my greatest inspiration even though he had already passed away. I knew how he fought death's door and was so determined to be well. I decided I could do it too -- and here I am!!! Thank you God and Daddy!!! I sure hope the Angels are throwing you one heck of a party tomorrow!!!

After this job ended, Daddy opened up Shotwell's TV Sales & Service. Ya see, way back then, you could have your TV serviced in your home. Daddy was self-employed until he retired. This picture is one of my favorites. It was taken in May 1968 when I was 16 years old. He is standing in front of his van which was bright turquoise -- yes, I said turquoise!!!! It had Shotwell TV painted on it and that great big ole brightly colored peacock you see on TV sometimes. Why, it was painted so loud, you could 'hear' it coming down the road. Kids today would probably be embarrassed for ther Daddy to drive something like this, but I never was!
My Daddy lived in constant pain every minute of his life, but he never complained. He could have drawn disability and not worked, but he was too prideful. He always took care of our family and we always had food on the table and clothes on our backs. He would give his last dime away or the shirt off his back if he felt someone needed it more than him. He loved his grandchildren! He loved to play jokes on people and he loved to talk! My Mama always told him "when you die, I will have to pay extra to have them kill your mouth".
The last few years of Daddy's life, he was sick and his mind was not real good -- he suffered from Dementia in addition to all his physical disabilities. I sure do miss him, but I know that he is in Heaven walking or running around with no braces, no canes, and absolutely no pain. How happy he must be!!!! I know that I will see him again.
When I was diagnosed with cancer, my Daddy was my greatest inspiration even though he had already passed away. I knew how he fought death's door and was so determined to be well. I decided I could do it too -- and here I am!!! Thank you God and Daddy!!! I sure hope the Angels are throwing you one heck of a party tomorrow!!!
Those 4-Inch blocks!
I was able to do some sewing this morning. I am in a swap with some friends where we are swapping 4-inch finished blocks that are made with two colors -- Kona Black -- and the another color in Batiks. We chose colors for each person by drawing a Crayola from the box! I drew Vivid Tangerine! This is the closest I could find to vivid tangerine. I "only" have to make 240 of these little suckers!!!!! A total of 20 sets of 12 blocks each. It's a really easy block, but it just takes time -- a lot of time. I have 17 sets completed and lo and behold I ran out of fabric!!! SEW, I have some coming my way and should be here on Monday so I can finish up.
We will be retreating this weekend and exchanging the blocks. It will be a beautiful quilt with the Kona Black and all the different bright Batiks. I'll post a pic of the blocks after we exchange. Stay tuned...................
We will be retreating this weekend and exchanging the blocks. It will be a beautiful quilt with the Kona Black and all the different bright Batiks. I'll post a pic of the blocks after we exchange. Stay tuned...................
April 6, 2007
Swap Blocks
My quilting group -- The Wacky Pac -- does some type of exchange each year. For 2007, each member chose the type of block, size, and fabric, they wanted to receive. Al
l names were drawn --- one for each month. I was drawn for the month of January. I selected 6-inch blocks -- any block -- as long as the piecer used Civil War fabrics. This is a picture of the blocks I received. Aren't they just awesome? I have them on my design wall waitin, waitin, and waitin.! I'm planning to make some more blocks to go with them and then I have to decide how to set them together -- hmmmmm, let me see..........
Crawfish Bisque
Here's a recipe that I got while at the San Antonio BBQ Cook-Off back in January. It is very easy and very good. Enjoy!
1/4 cup butter & 1/4 cup flour -- use to make your roux -- it doesn't have to be too brown
Add 2 cups milk to the roux and cook and thick and bubbly.
Add 3 cups of Half n Half
Now, in a skillet, I sauteed the following: 1 each green, orange, red, yellow bell peppers, celery, purple onion, garlic, parsley (all chopped of course).
Use Tony's and salt and cayenne pepper to your likin' ; I added a bit of southwest chipolte too 'cause here in Texas, we like it spicy!
Now add 1-1/2 to 2 pounds of crawfish tales.
P.S. My husband liked eating it over rice. It was good like that too!
1/4 cup butter & 1/4 cup flour -- use to make your roux -- it doesn't have to be too brown
Add 2 cups milk to the roux and cook and thick and bubbly.
Add 3 cups of Half n Half
Now, in a skillet, I sauteed the following: 1 each green, orange, red, yellow bell peppers, celery, purple onion, garlic, parsley (all chopped of course).
Use Tony's and salt and cayenne pepper to your likin' ; I added a bit of southwest chipolte too 'cause here in Texas, we like it spicy!
Now add 1-1/2 to 2 pounds of crawfish tales.
P.S. My husband liked eating it over rice. It was good like that too!
April 5, 2007
I did it!
oh yea, oh yea, I did it. I've been trying to put a picture on my profile with no success. I even asked my quiltin' sisters and they were trying to tell me how, but I just couldn't get it! Well here I am not able to sleep so I decide to play with my blog. Lo and behold I DID IT! I put a picture on my profile. See you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
What a Wacky Wednesday!
It was Wacky Wednesday! What does this mean, you ask? Well on the first Wednesday of the month, the WackyPac (a group of 10 crazy quilters) get together for dinner and drinks at a local Mexican restaurant.
The topic of conversations -- BLOGS. We are all so into blogs and learning. This has been a wonderful thing for us. Not only are we sharing quilting tips, now it is blog tips. Oh my gosh, I think we have been BLOGGED!
We had a great evening and gave Molly her swap blocks. Well most of us did, I forgot to bring mine! They are made though! The swap blocks will be another post -- I'll tell ya all about it....stay tuned.......
The topic of conversations -- BLOGS. We are all so into blogs and learning. This has been a wonderful thing for us. Not only are we sharing quilting tips, now it is blog tips. Oh my gosh, I think we have been BLOGGED!
We had a great evening and gave Molly her swap blocks. Well most of us did, I forgot to bring mine! They are made though! The swap blocks will be another post -- I'll tell ya all about it....stay tuned.......
April 2, 2007
Do it Right the First Time!
Haven't you heard the old saying "if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right the first time". My Mama used to tell me that all the time. You'd think I would have learned! BUT NO! I had to do some 'frog stitchin' because I tried to do something in a hurry! Now, I ask, how simple could a 4-patch block be??????? I sewed up a whole pasel (not sure if this is a word or not but it sounds good) of these little suckers and when I started pressing them, about 1/2 of them just didn't line up to my likin'! SEW, I sent to rippin'! Now I will get to put them back together again, but not tonight!
This big ole gal is TARD! I did do a little embroidery this evening on a baby quilt for a friend -- just put the baby's name and birthdate on so it wasn't really hard. EXCEPT, my bobbin thread was showing up -- really got me flustered -- I adjusted and adjusted the tension and got it better but it still showed in some spots. That's when I got out the fabric markers and did a "touch up job". Oh well, it looks okay.
This is a busy week for me so I'm not sure how much sewing I'll get done, but I'm gone try to sew every day!!!
This big ole gal is TARD! I did do a little embroidery this evening on a baby quilt for a friend -- just put the baby's name and birthdate on so it wasn't really hard. EXCEPT, my bobbin thread was showing up -- really got me flustered -- I adjusted and adjusted the tension and got it better but it still showed in some spots. That's when I got out the fabric markers and did a "touch up job". Oh well, it looks okay.
This is a busy week for me so I'm not sure how much sewing I'll get done, but I'm gone try to sew every day!!!
April 1, 2007
What? Run out of Fabric!
Yes, it is true, I ran out of fabric. I am working on a block swap to be exchanged at a quilt retreat in a couple of weeks. We are swapping Kona black and a determined Batik Color. (We drew for colors using Crayolas!) My color is vivid tangerine. We are making 12 4-inch blocks for each person and swapping out with 18 people. Guess what???? I have 16 sets completed and I ran out of fabric. Not to worry--thanks to the good ole WWW. I just placed an order for more fabric so I should be able to complete the blocks by retreat time. Whew! I almost went into a panic!
A Good Day!
Saturday was a good day! I actually spent time sewing! I even worked on the organization of my quilting studio (I'm practicing the 15-minute rule!). I finished up a set of swap blocks and even worked on another set.
My son and his family came by and we went to Corsicana for dinner and they came back and spent the night with us. A day with grandchildren is a good day!
On Sunday afternoon, I hope to do some embroidery -- we will see!
My son and his family came by and we went to Corsicana for dinner and they came back and spent the night with us. A day with grandchildren is a good day!
On Sunday afternoon, I hope to do some embroidery -- we will see!
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