April 29, 2009

....and the SOGGA continues..

and I mean SOGGY! Remember a couple of posts ago, I told you that the whole front of our metal roof had blown off? Well the sogga continues....We spent the weekend in Virginia visiting our DS and DIL. We returned home very late on Monday night -- well wee hours of Tuesday morning. We noticed the ceiling was water-stained. During the night Tuesday, the ceiling in this extra bedroom came tumbling down.......
And what a mess it made!!!! There was wet sheetrock and insulation EVERYWHERE! Thank goodness this is my son's old room and and we don't sleep in there.

It is all cleaned up now and thank goodness the contractor came out today and put plastic and boards all over and secured the roof as more rain is predicted. Now we hope the ceiling in the other bedroom doesn't come down as it is wet as well. I have been busy moving things out of the way and cleaning!!! The new metal has been ordered and the contract will begin installation on Saturday, weather permitting. We are also awaiting a bid from another contractor for the ceiling repair and re-installation of insulation.
I need some quality sewing time! Maybe this weekend!


Pat said...

Oh...I am so sorry this happened to your house and I am impressed with how calm you are able to be in the midst of this. I'd be in a panic and acting crazy, I'm sure.

Tara said...

How awful! I'm so sorry that you have to deal with such a mess! No fun for you! Good luck with your sewing!

Gari in AL said...

I'm so glad you could get someone out to secure your roof and that you are going to get the wet stuff out soon. the last thing you need is the mold that comes when untended. We lived through 5 hurricanes and know that distruction. Good luck.

Pat from Florida said...

Oh, how awful! I was just checking in to see if my house blocks made it to you, and I see this! Yikes! Best wishes for speedy repairs! I do hope you get some sewing time. It's very healing!!!

Rhonda said...

OMG! As you said, thank goodness this happened in a bedroom you and hubby weren't in. We just might need a girls night out....hehehehe

Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Man oh Man--We Wackies could have that cleaned up in nothing flat. Remember we have the Queen of Clean--a-n-n-i-e. LOL

*karendianne. said...

Damn man. That's a major problemo.