During the Thanksgiving holidays, we were visiting friends, Shelly and Jason, at Canyon Lake, Texas. Shelly and Jason were celebrating their first Thanksgiving in the brand new home! While being shown the home, I spotted a most beautiful crazy quilt draped across the recliner. Ya know how us quilters seem to just zone in on these things! Of course I had to check it out. Here is Shelly and her Mother-in-Law, Frances, showing the quilt. Shelly's grandmother made this crazy quilt -- ALL BY HAND. The picture does not do it justice -- absolutely BEAUTIFUL. There is handembroidery all over this quilt.
Here is a closer look of the quilt -- just stunning!

After I finished oooohhhhing, awwwwwing and drooling over her crazy quilt, Shelly showed me a few more quilts her grandmother made. The following quilt is a baby quilt for Shelly's baby. Shelly doesn't have any children YET. Her grandmother is no longer with us, but she had the foresight to leave a treasure behind for the great-grandchild she would not get to know.

The pic below shows the handstitched Bible verse. Shelly said that every quilt her grandmother made always included a verse stitched by hand.

Check out this double wedding ring quilt. It is basted together. Her grandmother had started the handquilting but didn't get it finished before she passed.

Here is a close-up of one of the quilted blocks.

Shelly showed me another quilt made by her grandmother -- one she made for Shelly.

.....and with further ado, MEET SHELLY -- the hostess with the mostess! Shelly is a school teacher in the New Braunfels Independent School District.

Thank you Shelly for sharing your wonderful quilts and treasures from your Grandmother!
Just tried to post a comment that I believe got lost. How nice for Shelly to have those quilts. I hope Shelly or her mother finish that double wedding ring quilt? It would be a shame not to have it completed and enjoyed someday, ya know?
What a wonderful legacy! Thank you for sharing them with us. (and thank you to Shelly!). It's nice to see that there are still people in the world who see the value in hand work and quilting! Beautiful quilts!
I love looking a old quilts. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful!! Loved seeing them, thanks for sharing!
Beautiful quilts! Merry Christmas.
Thank you for sharing these lovely quilts.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Carolyn
I do plan to finish the double wedding ring. Hopefully during the summer when I am off. I plan to make a table runner similar to the crazy quilt and maybe a valance for the living room. I am glad Kathy was able to share these beloved items. I love that my grandma to the time to hand sew each of these quilts and share them with me. They will be treasured forever. ♥ Shelly
Really enjoyed all the quilts, especially the Crazy Quilt. Fantastic!! Thanks
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