Hey you USA Qulters, are you up for a "Happy House Block Swap". Lurline over at Lurline's Place is hosting this swap, BUT, it was only open to the Aussie Quilters due to the postage. Well, well, the USA girls want to play too!!! Sew, you are invited to come to my Happy House and lets swap bocks. I will be your USA hostess on behalf of Lurline.
Bonnie K. Hunter of Quiltville is the designer of the block and has given Lurline permission to use the pattern. Isn't it just too cute....up the hill....down the hill....and over to Grandma's House we go. Oh, I'm sorry....got a little carried away with the singing. The following is a picture of a little quilt Lurline made. Isn't it just toooo cute??????

These little blocks measure out to be 10" finished and are quite easy to make. You may find the instructions here over at Lurlines. It is suggested that you make 9-12 blocks. You will receive back the same number of blocks you send. You will mail the blocks to me (along with a pre-paid postage return envelope) way down in good ole Texas no later than April 30th and I'll swap them out and send them back to you.
If you would like to join the fun and build your own Happy Houses, please send your name, email addy, snail mail addy, and blog addy to me at kearley75860 (at) yahoo (dot) come. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Chookyblue was so nice to create the following swap button for you to put on your blog.

Sew, come on folks, get out those building tools and let's build some Happy Houses!
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