January 27, 2009
A Christmas Wish BOM
January 26, 2009
January Gift of the Month
January 25, 2009
Kim's Having a Give-Away
January 24, 2009
A Tisket, A Tasket
January 23, 2009
Birthday Bouquet of Flowers
Awards, Awards, Awards!!!!

1. During high school, I worked for a doctor part-time. After I graduated, he contacted me and offered to send me to nursing school and then work for him! I turned him down. I had just started to work for Shell Oil Company and was on "top of the world". I often think about that and think "how could I be so dumb?"
2. I took a few semesters of college but never finished; sometimes I wish that I did graduate, but then I also think I faired quite well in the business world even without a college education.
3. I have stared cancer in the face, fought with all my might, and am now a 5-year survivor. This experience was a life lesson that taught me how precious life is and how precious my family and friends are to me.
4. I have a friend that I've been friends with since we were toddlers. We went thru school together -- 1st grade thru graduation from high school. We worked together at Shell Oil in Houston. We went thru pregancy together; We no longer live near each other but we remain friends. We don't have a lot in common anymore (I mean hobbies, etc.) but we do cherish each other's friendship and are always there for one another -- just a phone call away.
5. I met my husband at a dance and the rest is history. We knew each other 'maybe' six weeks before we got married. In June of 2009, we will celebrate 38 years together. He is my best friend and greatest ally.
6. I consider my two sons my greatest accomplishments. They are wonderful young men and have become very successful in spite of their parents -- LOL. I consider them both gifts from God and love them both very, very much.
7. I have a strong faith in Jesus Christ and know that it is by His grace that I have made it thru some of the situations in my life.
8. I spent over a month in Europe a few years back. I never in my life thought I would ever do anything like that. I'll always cherish the memories of that trip.
9. I've wanted to go on a cruise my entire life. My husband would never go; it just didn't interest him at all. I 'finally' got to go and it was a 'quilting cruise' with eight of my dearest friends.
10. I zip-lined thru the jungles of Roatan, Honduras. I still can't believe that I did that as I am afraid of heights. I had a panic attack and truly thought I was going to die! I still can't believe I did it, but, by golly, I have a T-Shirt, pictures and witnesses -- LOL
Here we go to Award #2.
1. Quilting
2. Blogging
3. My grandchildren
4. Reading
5. Eating too much!
Now, I must forward these awards on to five deserving folks. Have fun!
1. Teresa at Stitchin Friends
2. Jen at Cre8ative Quilter
3. Pat at A Little of This and A Little of Pat
4. Lani at The Never Ending Adventure
5. Katy at the Country Blossom
January 18, 2009
A Weekend of Sewing
The following is my completed quilt for the Teeny, Tiny Squares Doll Quilt Swap. It is made of two colors and the blocks are 1-inch finished. I can't say "who" will be receiving this little quilt, but I sure do hope she likes it. I am really enjoying making these miniature quilts. I believe that it is really improving my piecing skills. I will be posting more pictures of some miniatures later on........sew, stay tuned!
It's a Blogatine!
January 16, 2009
January 12, 2009
Our Town Block Swap
January 11, 2009
Weekend Retreat
Sitting (L-R): Michelle, Joan, Vicki
Each year, we choose a project to swap at the next retreat. This retreat, we swapped buildings to make a "Our Town" quilt. There were 10 swappers who participated. Watch for future posts showing pictures. This year we decided to swap homemade pin cushions for the 2010 retreat.
We had a great show 'n tell that I will talk about in a future post.
January 8, 2009
January 6, 2009
Oh My! A Surprise for Me!
Gift of the Month