SEW, does this scare you? Here is
Molly and
Jerri trying to figure out something on the computer.

Isn't this a beautiful block???? Molly is reproducing an antique quilt. She had made four of these blocks in red and green. She is now in the applique process.
Molly takes a break from applique.
Kathleen did so good. She worked on a lot of UFOs. This is one top that she finished -- a "Buck a Block" quilt in Thimbleberries.
Annale is working on this panel from Nancy Halvorsen. It is so beautiful -- just like Annie!

Check out this cute pattern from
Patchalot Patterns. I was first introduced to this line of patterns when I visited a quilt store while visiting my son in Virginia.
And, "ta da", here is the little quilt I made. It isn't finished yet. I still have to do the hand embroidery. I think it is precious. Thanks Marcie for such great patterns.
Here is another one of Marcie's patterns from Patachalot Patterns -- the Indian Paintbrush. I believe this is her latest pattern.

And here are the fruits of my labor. I have to finish making the rest of the components and put it together. This pattern required use of the Tri-Rec tool. This is my first experience using theses rulers. Pretty easy to use.

Stay tuned.......more to come!