October 31, 2008
Happy Halloweeen
October 30, 2008
Thursday Night Retreating!
October 27, 2008
It's a Give Away!
or some cute little tags........
or some recipe cards and gingerbread jar toppers.
October 26, 2008
Weekend Fun and Preparing for Retreat
On Saturday, we HAD to go to the movies to see High School Musical III. The move just came out this weekend. It was a very cute show. She LOVED IT. It did bring lots of memories back to me of my high school days. It is hard to believe that I've been out of high school for 38 years. My goodness, someone must be getting old!

After the movie and a bit of shopping, it was time to come home. We went to the quilting studio and got lots done. Camryn played school while I spent time getting ready for the upcoming annual Wacky Pack Opening Weekend of Deer Season Retreat. Here is a basket of treats (or tricks) for the Wackies.
Then I spent time cutting MORE 2-inch strips for the 4-patch exchange that the Wacky Pack Quilters are doing. I've made several sets of 4-patches, but now I have all the strips cut and in this handy little box to take to retreat.
Then I made this cute little Christmas apron. The picture really doesn't do it justice. One of the Wacky Quilters will have the opportunity to take this apron home from the retreat. How do they win it, you ask???? I haven't decided yet!
I still have more to do to get ready for retreat. I can't wait. We always have sew much fun when we are all together. I hope the week goes by fast!
October 24, 2008
Helen's Having a Give-Away
October 23, 2008
A Dr. Visit, A Sweet Gift, and Some Stitcheries

Today, I had a visit at my Oncologist. It was a great appointment. The bloodwork looks good and I don't have to go back for ONE YEAR and I don't have to have another colonoscopy for FIVE YEARS! As we say in Texas "YEE HAW". I believe, without a doubt, that this is God working in my life. As the graphic above says "God will make a day." He always does. I'm so grateful and blessed.
October 20, 2008
A Day of Reflection
I look at life differently now and do not take anything for granted. Life can change quicker than the blink of an eye. I'm so thankful and grateful to God as I know it was His healing powers that saved me. I often think "what if" they had told me I only had 5 years to live? What would I have missed?
I was around to see my husband retire after working for over 33 years at the power plant; my third grandchild was born; my youngest son got married and blessed me with a wonderful daughter-in-law; I retired from my 20+ year job as office manager; I have renewed relationships with some old friends; I have a wonderful group of quilting buddies -- the Wacky Pack that I LOVE to be with; I spent an entire month in Europe visiting several countries; I went on a quilting cruise in the Caribbean with the Wacky Pack Quilters; I did the 'zip-line thing' in Honduras and just "knew" I was going to die!; I've witnessed healing in sibling relationships in my DH's family; I watched my oldest son make a career change that required sacrifices on the part of his family and himself -- he is now a Fireman in Houston, TX, and found his calling. I have witnessed my youngest son graduating from Texas A&M and watched his career SOAR and him become so successful! I am so proud of both of my sons. I have started another career as the Director of Senior Services/Transit in Freestone County. It is a great job and one where I truly feel I make a difference in lives. As a result of this job, I have a new set of friends that I consider a true blessing in my life. I have won a couple of awards with my quilts. I have made quilts for both sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren plus other friends. I was so scared I wouldn't get this accomplished. I could go on and on, but I'll stop now. I am just so happy and proud on this 5th anniversary of a very life-changing event.
October 18, 2008
This 'n That in My Life
This is a view of the land. It has a number of hills. It is so peaceful and I LOVE being in the Hill Country.
This is a picture of the old ranch house. It is currently under rennovation. I thought I had taken a picture of the wonderful rock fireplace on the inside, BUT, I guess I didn't.
This is the rock walkway to the front of the house and the screened porch.
Of course, we had to have some quilting pictures from this trip! Here is a picture of a double wedding ring quilt that belongs to my sister-in-law. Her grandmother was not a quilter, but she had this quilt made using my sister-in-laws old clothing. I fell in love with it.
That "big boy" is loaded! Not with alcohol -- but loaded on the longarm. It is in the quilting process and is about one-half quilted! I will finish the quilting today and then make the binding. I plan to sit back tonight and watch moves while putting the binding on.
I had to go to Waco, TX, on Thursday for a meeting for work. Well, I just "had" to go by the quilt store and these are my purchases. Some Thimbleberries fabric that was 40% off (bought 4 yards -- thought it would be a good border fabric) and the red western fabric is going to be the borders for my western string quilt in the making. (Nope, it was NOT on sale.) Then I picked up some new tweezers and some fat quarters from the sale bin.
October 14, 2008
A Birthday Give Away
October 6, 2008
*Sigh* uuuurrrrrggggg! -- Venting