The Wacky Pac Quilters got together this past weekend at the Fryer Deer Camp. Thanks to Molly and her hubby for allowing us the opportunity to retreat their during the off season.
There were six of us 'die-hard' Wackies who went on Thursday and stayed thru Sunday. Oh my gosh -- we had SEW MUCH FUN!
Several of
us worked on our strip-block exchange that is currently in progress. There were strips EVERYWHERE! Then we had to audition several of the blocks on the design board to see how they would look. They were beautiful! There were Christmas, Western, Thimbleberries, Browns/Tans, Aunt Gracie, etc. Rhonda put them up on the design wall and as you can see from the picture, we were all oooo-ing and awww-ing over them. They look really good!
On Saturday evening, we cooked steaks outside on the veranda. That was anothere adventure, getting the fire going! Rhonda and Kathleen cooked the steaks and they were WONDERFUL!!!! There is one thing you can always count on when the Wacky Pac gets together -- lots of quilting and good food!