The time has come for me to share the story of the "panty snatcher"! If you have been reading my blog (not that there have been a lot of posts lately), you know that I lost my precious husband a couple of months ago. You also know that he had spoiled me rotten. You see, he was retired and I was still working. He took care of the house, the yard, did a little cooking, and he also did the laundry. WAIT! I know some of you are in a panic -- "she lets her husband wash her clothes????" In my closet was a basket and if there were pieces of clothing I didn't want him to wash (let's face it -- men can really screw up our favorite clothing in the washing machine), I just put it in the basket and I would take care of the washing.
In the week or so after his passing, I would wonder "where are those special capri pants I love to wear, or I wonder where that ole t-shirt is that is so comforting"? I just blew it off that they were "here somewhere" and that in my sudden grief and dispair, I had just put them "somewhere" (you know -- those places that we never know WHY we put them there in the first place).
Typically, I am one of those people who like to shower in the mornings. One morning, I arose getting ready to take my shower. I go to my panty drawer, open it, and to my surprise, there were only TWO pairs of panties!!!! I was in a state of panic -- WHERE WERE ALL OF MY PANTIES??? I mean, my drawer was always stocked with panties. I just couldn't imagine. My mind went into overtime. I decided there must be a panty snatcher in the area!! Now I have some really awesome neighbors -- they know I'm here alone and they tend to look out for me. I just couldn't believe that they never told me someone was stealing panties! But then I thought "they just didn't want to scare me". Okay, so I go on to take my shower and get dressed for work. As I am in the shower, I just keep thinking about what happened to my panties! I said "Lord, I don't know what is going on, but SOMEONE has stolen ALL OF MY UNDERWEAR!!!!!!". As I am washing my hair, it suddenly hits me -- I NOW HAVE TO DO ALL OF THE LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!! There is NO panty snatcher in the neighborhood -- just a crazy, grief-stricken woman who hasn't done the laundry!!! Then I began to laugh and laugh and laugh. You know the kind of deep laugh that you can't stop and you laugh so hard you nearly pee yourself (good thing I'm still in the shower!). Whew, so glad that mystery was solved!! I mean, I was really concerned!
Not to fear folks -- my panty drawer is full again -- I have been doing the laundry! So now you have the 'rest of the story'.
Stayed tuned for more adventures in this new season of my life. Who knows??? I may even have some quilting stores to share eventually! (I'm still trying to get my mojo back -- haven't sewn a stitch since my sweet honey passed).