Okay, sew most of you know that I belong to a group called the "Wacky 6-Pac Quilters". Yep, we ALWAYS have something going on. Back a few (like maybe 8 mos.) ago, we decided to do a Row Quilt. Each Wacky would decide their theme, the size of the row, and then prepare their first row. Molly, Rhonda, and Annie have their first rows done!!! That leaves Kathleen and me without a row done.
My theme is SPRING! I started way back when and then my fence was as big as my house!!! This weekend, I decided to completely start over. I'm stickin' with the theme of Spring but doing it a bit differently. I have made these three blocks. Now keep in mind they will be sewn together to make my row and there may be more blocks added to get it to the size row I would like to have. 
Here ya go........I still have to stitch around them. At first I was going to do it by machine, but now I've decided to do hand-embroidery (LOVE me some hand-embroidery) and embellish with buttons, etc. Enjoy the preview and there will be more updates to come.......