May 24, 2009
Memorial Day

May 18, 2009
Wacky Retreat
As promised, here are some pictures from this weekend's Wacky Retreat at the Deer Camp. I thought I had taken more pictures, but I guess not....
Here is the beautiful purple/green quilt top that Kathleen finished up. It is just stunning. The picture does not do it justice.
May 17, 2009
Home from Retreat.........
...but with a heavy heart..... The Wacky Retreat was great as always. ALL 9 of our group was in attendance. This hasn't happened in a LONG TIME. Our dear Jeri, who is battling cancer, was not feeling well at all. This retreat, her hubby drover her to the Fryer Deer Camp. In fact, she called him to pick her up on Saturday morning. Jeri is such a vibrant person and such a fighter. She is truly a Wacky HERO. We hated she had to leave, but understood. We all continue to pray for a Miracle for our Jeri and ask you fellow quilters to do the same.
The following is the "Brat Pak". We were quite the "threesome" before we joined those crazy Wacky Women, but oh how we are glad we did join in their 'wackiness'! In the picture l-r is Kathleen, Jeri, and Me, Kathy. This picture was taken Friday afternoon during many "photo shoots".
And here is sweet Jeri. I believe she was probably saying "oh, don't take my picture!"
And here is sweet Jeri. I believe she was probably saying "oh, don't take my picture!"
May 15, 2009
It's Retreat Time
The Wacky Pac is retreating this weekend at Molly's deer camp. Most everyone is there except for me....I have a JOB. I will be heading out around noon to join all the wacky fun and get caught up on all the laughter. Watch for posts and pictures after the weekend.
May 11, 2009
Just thought I would show you two new books that I purchased recently. The books are great and give ideas about using vintage linens for aprons and other kitchen items. I recently participated in the Vintage Linen Remix Apron Swap and that is what inspired me to purchase these books.
I have a number of vintage linens and hope to make some of the projects in the book.......Maybe before I die...sew many projects, sew little time!
May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to All. Please enjoy my 6 beautiful pink roses sent to me by my Son and Daughter-in-Law, Josh and Patience. 
May 3, 2009
This 'n That and a Few Pics
Just thought I would give a quick update from my world. Just been busy around the house. The installation of our new roof began today. YEA! Once the roof is complete, they will beginning take out the rest of the ceilings in 2 bedrooms and putting in new ceilings. In the meantime, we have to move EVERYTHING OUT of the rooms, including anything on the walls! This is really going to be a mess.
DH and I recently went to Virgina to visit our DS#2 and DIL. Here is a picture of their beautiful home in Williamsburg, VA. It is much bigger than it looks!
The flowers in their yard were just beautiful. I took lots of pics, but won't bore you with all of them.
We drove up to Luray, VA, and spent the weekend in a cabin in the Shennadoah Mountains. It was such a fun and peaceful weekend. DH and I both needed this. However, my DH was still on the phone dealing with the insurance company and contractors try to get our home repaired.
Here is a view from the balcony of our cabin. My DH and DS were fishing from the bank.
DH and I recently went to Virgina to visit our DS#2 and DIL. Here is a picture of their beautiful home in Williamsburg, VA. It is much bigger than it looks!
We took an 8-mile trip down the Shennandoah River in a canoe. I had never done this before and it was really fun.
We also went shopping, but I didn't find any quilt shops! Here is a picture of a Grandmothers Flower Garden quilt in an antique shop made out of yo-yo's that I thought was nice.
Here are some pretty vintage linens. I now wish I would have purchased these! I was trying to keep my puchases down so I wouldn't have to check a bag on the plane. I guess I could have mailed it! duh....
We drove on Skyline drive which was very scenic and beautiful. This is a little shop we stopped at. Really cute and lots of quilts.
Check out this truck that was parked next to the shop. Cool, huh?
Just working at my full-time job, dealing with a messed up house, a limited amount of sewing, and a quick trip to visit our son and daughter-in-law. And that is what has been going on in my world.
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